As am not among 7 chiranjeevis (who live forever) of hindu theology-
Ashwathama, Maha Bali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya
and Parashurama, are the 7 long lived, am sured that man is mortal.
As am not a genus of Protozoa consisting of shapeless unicellular
organisms(Amoeba) which has natural death only, as am not among
reptiles like tortoise & crocodile(long lived), i can't decline the poem
of former prime minister A B Bajpai about death.I could not forget
Madhusudan Rao also.
"Re atman, nidra parihari
fedi chintar lochan, kar kar nirikshan
nishabde jeevan shrot dhaunchhi kipari
bhetibaku mrityusindhu karal lahari "
Also in The Gita(gita sugita karttabyo kimanai shastrabistarai), Vedavyas
(vyas means to devide) wrote-
banshasi jirnani yatha bihay
but am in doubt whether vyas wrote that for expressing atma(soul)
or onion(scientific name-allium cepa). Layer after layer present
in Allium Cepa. Also onion easily cut by knife. But Vyas wrote in
subsequent stanza that-
nain chhindanti shastrani nain dahati pabakah
na chain claidayantapoh na shosayati marutah.
Whether soul will enter in another body or will go to debalok, brahmalok
& shivalok. It's my happiness that i(my soul) will go to outside of sourmandal
in free of cost & without the help of rover curiousity. my soul perform better
than curiousity as curiousity went only mars.I will break the record of
sunita williams(pandya) for staying more than 195 days & more than 5 space
walks. So it is better to die than live with unsuccessful.
But my belligerent lover (also have no lover) will declare a nuclear war
with GOD of Death Yamraj for not allowing him to take my soul.
After that another amabasya(like savitri amabasya) will be observe .
I gave nominee as my mother in 15 lakh insurance. So untill i give nominee
to her instead of my mother, she will continue the war instead of rise
the confidential building measure with Yamraj. No ambassador or
high commisioner can't interfere to bring any treaties among them.
If i will die, i will be glad as my mother earth will be relax & take his
breath with happily because she will get relief to carry my waight in
her head(crust). Also according to BMI(body mass index) & WHR
(waste hip ratio), am a few waight only. Am not among Apple man
or Pear Woman. Lack of 13.5 lakh litres of blood in a year in my mother
India.So if i will know the death time before my death, i can give
my 6 litres blood(according to carl landsteiner am universal donor)
& die due to number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity
is insufficient to meet physiologic needs (Anaemia). Also i & my friend
already registered to give heart, kidney & eyes. I have no hope for
obituary in Swargadwar(puri) or in shasman of my village, which was
aim of jnajpith award winner padmashree Sachidananda Routraya(kavita
1962 book is also in IAS main course for odia literature). But he cremated
in Sati chaura(Cuttack) instead of his village.
" seithi achhi mo sathi ghar
seithi dine jalib sese, mohari chita nianti
chhot mor gaanti " (Sachi Routraya)
My aim only to fertilise the soil of my motherland, so i like buried under
soil insted of burning as it pollutes environment.
But don't know why am not want to die. Giving answaers to Yaksha,
Dharmaraj Yudhisthir said that-
"ahani ahani bhutani gachhantih yamalayam
shesa jibitum ichhanti kimascharyat param" (The Mahabharat)
After Analysis (not real or complex analysis in math) of death
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. (Virginia Woolf)
With Regards,
With Regards,
Sri Bibhuprasad Mohapatra
Rayagada Head Post Office
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