Acarology | Branch of Zoology dealing with ticks & mites. |
Acoustics | The study of sound or the science of sound. |
Acrobatics | The art of performing acrobatic feats (gymnastics) |
Aerodynamics | I. The branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases. II. The study of the motion and control of solid bodies like aircraft,missiles,etc in air. |
Aeronautics | The science or art of flight. |
Aerostatics | The branch of statics that deals with gases in equilibrium and with gases and bodies in them. |
Aesthetics | The philosophy of fine arts. |
Aetiology | The science of causation. |
Agrobiology | The science of plant life and plant nutrition. |
Agronomic | The science of managing land or crops. |
Agronomy | The science of soil management & production of field crops. |
Agrostology | The study of grasses. |
Alchemy | Chemistry in ancient times. |
Anatomy | The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body. |
Anemology | The science of wind. |
Angiology | The science of blood & lymph vessels. |
Anthropology | The science that deals with the origin and physical and cultural development of mankind. |
Arboriculture | Cultivation of trees & vegetables. |
Archaeology | The study of antiquities. |
Astrology | The ancient art of predicting the course of human destinies with the help of indications deduced from the position and movement of heavenly bodies. |
Astronautics | The science of space travel. |
Astronomy | The study of the heavenly bodies. |
Astrophysics | The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of heavenly bodies. |
Bacteriology | The study of bacteria. |
Biochemistry | The study of chemical processes of living things. |
Biometry | The application of mathematics to the study of living things. |
Bionics | The study of functions, characteristics and phenomena observed in the living world and the application of this knowledge to the world of machines. |
Bionomics | The study of the relation of an organism to its environment. |
Bionomy | The science of the laws of life. |
Biophysics | The physics of vital processes (living things). |
Botany | The study of plants. |
Calisthenics | The systematic exercises for attaining strength & gracefulness. |
Cardiology | The science that deals with heart functions and diseases. |
Carpology | The science of fruits & seeds. |
Cartography | The science of map-making. |
Ceramics | The art and technology of making objects from clay etc. (pottery). |
Cetology | The science of aquatic mammals, especially whales. |
Chemistry | The study of elements and their laws of combination and behaviour. |
Chemotherapy | The treatment of disease by using chemical substances. |
Choreography | The science of dance & composing ballet. |
Chorography | The science of geographical regions ; plant & animal distribution. |
Chronobiology | The study of duration of life. |
Chronology | The science of arranging time in periods and ascertaining the dates and historical order of past events. |
Conchology | The branch of Zoology dealing with the shells of molluscs. |
Cosmogony | The science of the nature of heavenly bodies. |
Cosmography | The science that describes & maps the main features of universe. |
Cosmology | The science of the nature,origin & history of the universe. |
Crainology | The science that deals with skull. |
Criminology | The study of crime & criminals. |
Cryptography | The study of ciphers (secret writings). |
Crystallography | The study of structures,forms & properties of crystals. |
Cryogenics | The science dealing with the production,control & application of very low temperatures. |
Cryptology | The science dealing with codes & ciphers. |
Cytochemistry | The branch of cytology dealing with the chemistry of cells. |
Cytogenetics | The branch of biology dealing with the study of heredity from the point of view of cytology & genetics. |
Cytology | The study of cells,especially their formation,structure & functions. |
Dactylography | The study of finger prints for the purpose of identification. |
Dactyliology | The technique of communication by signs made with the fingers . It is generally used by the deaf. |
Dendrology | The study of trees. |
Denotology | The study of moral responsibilities. |
Ecology | The study of the relation of animals and plants to their surroundings,animate & inanimate. |
Econometrics | The application of mathematics in testing economic theories. |
Economics | The science dealing with the production,distribution and consumption of goods & services. |
Embryology | The study of development of embryos. |
Entomology | The study of insects. |
Epidemiology | The branch of medicine dealing with incidence & risks of diseases. |
Epigraphy | The study of inscriptions. |
Eschatology | The study of death, destiny. |
Ethnography | A branch of anthropology dealing with the scientific description of individual cultures. |
Ethics | Psychological study of moral principles. |
Ethnology | A branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution and distinguishing characteristics of the race of mankind. |
Ethology | The study of animal behaviour. |
Etymology | The study of origin and history of words. |
Eugenics | The study of the production of better offspring by the careful selection of parents. |
Exobiology | A branch of biology that deals with the search for extraterrestrial life,especially intelligent life,outside our solar system. Exobiology is sometimes called xenobiology or astrobiology. |
Futurology | The study of the future. |
Genealogy | The study of family ancestries & histories. |
Genecology | The study of genetical composition of plant population in relation to their habitats. |
Genesiology | The science of generation. |
Genetics | The branch of biology dealing with the phenomena of heredity and the laws governing it. |
Geobiology | The biology of terrestrial life. |
Geobotany | The branch of Botany dealing with all aspects of relations between plants & the earth's surface. |
Geochemistry | The study of the chemical composition of the earth's crust and the changes which takes place within it. |
Geography | The science of the earth's surface,physical features,climate,population,etc. |
Geology | The science that deals with the physical history of the earth. |
Geomedicine | The branch of medicine dealing with the influence of climate and environmental conditions on health. |
Geomorphology | The study of the characteristics,origin and development of land forms. |
Geophysics | The physics of the earth. |
Gerontology | The study of old age,its phenomena , diseases, etc. |
Glottochronlogy | The study of the history of language. |
Heliotherapy | The sun cure. |
Haematology | The study of blood. |
Helminthology | The study of worms, especially parasitic worms. |
Herpetology | The study of reptiles & amphibians. |
Histology | The study of tissues. |
Horticulture | The cultivation of flowers,fruits,vegetables and ornamental plants. |
Hydrodynamics | The mathematical study of the forces,energy and pressure of liquid in motion. |
Hydrography | The science of water measurements of the earth with special reference to their use for navigation. |
Hydrology | The study water with reference to its occurrence and properties in the hydrosphere and atmosphere. |
Hydrometallurgy | The process of extracting metals at ordinary temperature by leaching ore with liquids. |
Hydropathy | The cure of disease by the internal and external use of water. |
Hydroponics | The cultivation of plants by placing the roots in nutrient solution rather than in soil. |
Hydrostatics | The mathematical study of forces and pressures in liquids. |
Hygiene | The science of health and its preservation. |
Hypnology | The study of sleep. |
Ichthyology | The study of fish. |
Iconograohy | Teaching with aid of pictures & models. |
Iconology | The study of symbolic representations. |
Jurisprudence | The science of law. |
Lexicography | The writing or compiling of dictionaries. |
Limnology | The study of freshwater life. |
Lithology | The study of the characteristics of rocks. |
Mammography | Radiography of the mammary glands. |
Metallography | The study of the crystalline structures of metals & alloys. |
Metallurgy | The process of extracting metals from their ores. |
Meteorology | The science of the atmosphere and its phenomena. |
Metrology | The scientific study of weights & measures. |
Microbiology | The study of minute living organisms including bacteria,moulds and pathogenic protozoa. |
Molecular Biology | The study of the structure of the molecules which are of importance in biology. |
Morphology | The science of organic forms and structures. |
Mycology | The study of fungi & fungus diseases. |
Myology | The study of muscles. |
Myrmecology | The study of ants. |
Neurology | The study of the nervous systems,its functions and its disorders. |
Neuropathology | The study of diseases of the nervous system. |
Nomology | The study of law making or scientific laws. |
Nosology | The study of classification of diseases. |
Numerology | The study of numbers,study of the date and year of one's birth to determine their influence on one's future life. |
Numismatics | The study of coins & medals. |
Odontography | A description of the teeth. |
Odontology | The scientific study of the teeth. |
Oenology | The study of wines. |
Oncology | The study of tumour. |
Oneirology | The study of dreams. |
Ontology | The study of nature of existence. |
Oology | The study of eggs. |
Optics | The study of nature & properties of light. |
Ornithology | The study of birds. |
Orthoepy | The study of correct pronunciation. |
Orthopedics | The science of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of musculoskeletal systems. |
Osteology | The study of the bones. |
Osteopathology | Any disease of bones. |
Osteopathy | A therapeutic system based upon detecting and correcting faulty structure. |
Paleobotany | The study of fossil plants. |
Paleontology | The study fossils. |
Palynology | The study of fossil pollen. |
Pathology | The study of diseases. |
Pedagogy | The art or method of teaching. |
Pedology | The study of soil. |
Penology | The study of prisons & treatment of criminals. |
Pharyngology | The science of the pharynx & its diseases. |
Phenology | The study of periodicity phenomena of plants. |
Philately | The collection and study of postage stamps,revenue stamps,etc. |
Philology | The study of written records , their authenticity, etc. |
Phonetics | The study of speech, sounds and their production , transmission,reception etc. |
Photobiology | The branch of biology dealing with the effect of light on organisms. |
Phrenology | The study of the faculties & qualities of mind from the shape of the skull. |
Phthisiology | The scientific study of tuberculosis. |
Phycology | The study of algae. |
Physical science | The study of natural laws and process other than those peculiar to living matters,as in Physics ,Chemistry and Astronomy. |
Physics | The study of the properties of matter. |
Physiography | The science of physical geography. |
Physiology | The study of the functioning of the various organs of living beings. |
Phytogeny | Origin and growth of plants. |
Pomology | The science that deals with fruits & fruit growing. |
Psychology | The study of human & animal behaviour. |
Radio Astronomy | The study of heavenly bodies by the reception and analysis of the radio frequency electro-magnetic radiations which they emit or reflect. |
Radiobiology | The branch of biology which deals with the effect of radiations on living organisms. |
Radiology | The study of X-Rays and radioactivity. |
Reflexology | The study of reflexes or practice of healing through foot massage. |
Rheology | The study of the deformation, flow of matter. |
Scatology | The study of excrement; obscene language. |
Seismology | The study of earthquakes and the phenomena associated with it. |
Selenology | The scientific study of moon, its nature,origin,movements, etc. |
Sericulture | The raising of silk worms for the production of raw silk. |
Sociology | The study of human society. |
Spectroscopy | The study of matter and energy by the use of spectroscope. |
Spelology | The study of caves. |
Teleology | The study of the evidences of design or purpose in nature. |
Telepathy | Communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception. |
Therapeutics | The science and art of healing. |
Topography | A special description of a part or region. |
Toxicology | The study of poisons. |
Virology | The study of viruses. |
Xylology | The study of the structure of wood. |
Zoogeography | The study of the distribution of animals on the surface of the globe. |
Zoometry | The comparative measurements of the parts of the animals. |
Zoology | The study of animal life. |
Thursday, 18 July 2013
study in science
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