calling them 'jya' in sanscrit ?
a) Aryabhatta 1st b) Aryabhatta 2nd
c) Brahmagupta d) Bhaskar 2 nd
2. German mathematician, the cgs unit of magnetic flux density is named after him ?
a) Gauss b) Dirichlet
c) Abel d) Poincare
3. British math and geologist, who appointed as successor to Newton as lucasian
professor of math in 1703 ?
a) Hardy b) William Whiston
c) Littlewood d) Cauchy
4. German mathematician, who discovered hyper elliptic functions and applied his
work in elliptic functions to number theory ?
a) Jacob Jacobi b) Daniel Bernouli
c) Lagrange d) Lefler
5. French mathematician, who developed a theory to explain the interaction between
electricity & magnetism ?
a) Celsius b) Fahrenheit
c) Ampere d) Fermat
6. Greek mathematician, who was the first to define parabola, hyperbola and ellipse
and wrote a book 'conics' ?
a) Apollonius b) Thales
c) Hypatia d) Eratosthenes
7. British mathematician, who invented speedometer ?
a) Andrew wiles b) Charles Babbage
c) Alan Turing d) G H Hardy
8. Swiss mathematician, who discovered a simple mathematical formula, that gave the
wavelengths of the spectral lines of Hydrogen- the 'Balmer Series' ?
a) Euler b) Johann Bernoulli
c) Jacob Bernoulli d) Jakob Balmer
9. Swiss doctor wrote 'Hydrodynamica' deals with theory of statics and the motion
of the fields ?
a) Daniel Bernoulli b) Gabriel Cramer
c) Heinz Hopf d) Jakob Steiner
10. Swiss mathematician, who is the first to use 'g' to denote accelaration due to gravity ?
a) Paul Guldin b) Jacob Amsler
c) Francois Sturm d) Johann Bernoulli
11. German Astronomer, in 1838, he was the first man to calculate accurately the
distance of a star from earth ?
a) Friedrich Bessel b) Kepler
c) Elert Bode d) Tobias Mayer
12. Author of 'Karna Kuthuhala', who introduced first the mathematical signs of
minus and plus ?
a) Bhaskar-II b) Varahamihir
c) Bhaskar-I d) Aryabhatta-I
13. British matheamatician, whose book 'The laws of thought'(1854) is a famous
book in the study of logic ?
a) James Sylvester b) De Morgan
c) George Boole d) William Thomson
14. English mathematician modified Napier's logarithms by introducing the Base 10 ?
a) Briggs Henry b) John Napier
c) Nicholas Mercator d) North Whitehead
15. English mathematician, who was a founder & first president of Royal Society ?
a) William Brouncker b) Sir Paul Nurse
c) Martin Rees d) Stephen Toope
16. Russia born german mathematician, who founded the transfinite set theory ?
a) Grigori Perelman b) Georg Cantor
c) Goldbach d) Thomas Bayes
17. French Mathematician, gave fully satisfactorily definitions of the fundamentally
important concepts of limit and convergence ?
a) Cauchy b) Fermat
c) Pascal d) Descartes
18. French mathematician, also introduced the use of complex number into Trigonometry ?
a) Michel Chasles b) Abraham De Moivre
c) Joseph Fourier d) François Viète
19. British mathematician & quantum theorist, who shared nobel prize for physics
with Schrodinger in 1933 ?
a) Paul Dirac b) Peter Higgs
c) Richard Feynman d) Lady Ada Lovelace
20. Greek mathematician and geographer devised a technique called the 'Sieve' for
finding prime numbers ?
a) Euclid b) Eratosthenes
c) Pythagoras d) Archimedes
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. d
11. a 12. a 13. c 14. a 15. a 16. b 17. a 18. b 19. a 20. b
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